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Quilt Making:
More Than Policy

How do we maintain Utopias Bach as a healthy, balanced, functioning ecosystem

for humans and more than humans?

Exploring safeguarding & innate accessibility beyond policy in the form of collaborative quilt making in partnership with Utopias Bach.


The idea of a collective quilt arose out of a collaboratory, facilitated by Lisa Hudson & Gaia Redgrave, with the aim of considering how we care for Utopias Bach as an ecosystem. We wanted to consider human connection, wellbeing, access & authenticity together, over an extended period of time, and learn through observation rather than simply considering the wording of a crafted written access policy document.


This project is ongoing and expanding beyond the imagined expectations of what a quilt could be, allowing it to become a work of art that lives and breathes with the experiences, thoughts, and memories of all involved. Is it a receptacle, a shelter, a meeting space? Well, the answer is all of these and more. It has appeared and grown at numerous gatherings, prompting responses of sound, drawing and movement as well as beautiful stitching.


It is hoped that the work will continue to evolve and be a legacy of conceptual thinking in relation to a Culture of Care and kindness.


Further documentation of the quilt can be found here


Image Credits: Zen Redgrave


In partnership with Utopias Bach Collective

UB Logo Large black letter U with plants growing on top on a pale gey background with the words Utopias Bach in black
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